Child custody and support in Colorado

Custody of the Children In Colorado

Physical and legal custody of a child or children can be agreed upon by the parties involved in the divorce. Joint legal custody would entail allowing both parties to have equal input into crucial decisions about the child. If divorce is contested, the court should determine how responsibilities would be delegated. Decisions regarding parenting time and where the child will live are decided according to the best interests of the child.

In making the decisions on physical custody, it is essential to consider the bond between the child and siblings, adjustment to school and home, wishes of the parents, desires of the child if he or she is of mature age, and any history of child or spousal abuse in the family.

Evidence of both parents’ ability to make joint decisions is a consideration when allocating legal custody.

Colorado Child Support Guidelines

Standard child support guidelines, put together by Colorado, are applied in almost every divorce case. Worksheets and forms can be obtained from any district court clerk, or they are available as part of the package from Income of both parents and child-related expenses are taken into consideration in the calculation of child support. Support continues until the child reaches age 18 or until he or she finishes high school.

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