Child custody and support in Michigan

Custody of the Children In Michigan

One potential child custody arrangement in Michigan that the courts recognize is joint custody. Joint custody is not usually granted at a 50-50 arrangement. It, however, permits both parents to participate in the decision-making process regarding a child’s overall well-being.

In a contested child custody matter, the court must keep the wishes of the child as well as the best interests of the child and all other parties in mind. The court will also consider the child’s adjustment to his or her household, school, friends, community, siblings and other elements when making choices regarding child custody situations.

Michigan Child Support Guidelines

The State of Michigan has child support guidelines which apply in nearly every situation. When calculating child support in Michigan, both parties' gross income as well as child related expenses are taken into calculation. Support continues until the child reaches 18, and may extend beyond, if the child pursues secondary education.

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