Child custody and support in Nebraska
Custody of the Children In Nebraska
When parents are choosing to act in the best interests of the children, the Nebraska state court will generally accept the parents’ chosen custody arrangement. In cases where the parents are not able to agree, the court will decide on the matter, or it will proceed to trial. In this case, the divorce will not be considered an uncontested divorce. In most instances, joint legal or physical custody is regarded as the optimal option. Joint custody allows both parents to have input regarding crucial decisions regarding the welfare of children. However, while joint legal custody covers important choices, it does not mean that the children spend equal time with both parents.
Nebraska Child Support Guidelines
The standard Nebraska state child support guidelines apply in nearly every divorce case, unless there are exceptional circumstances in place. In this instance, both parents’ gross incomes and child-related expenses will be taken into consideration when obligations are calculated. Child support is typically continued until the child or children reach age 18, and it may extend further until the children complete secondary education.