Child custody and support in New Hampshire

Custody of the Children In New Hampshire

The New Hampshire state court awards child custody based on what is in the best interest of the child in contested divorce cases. In uncontested divorce cases, the court will see to it that the parents keep the best interest of the child in line, and will generally go along with any agreement designed by agreeable parties, usually leaning towards a joint legal custody agreement. If joint legal custody is not arranged, there needs to be a written stipulation crafted as to why this is not feasible.

Physical custody can be shared or split between the parents, or awarded to either parent. The key is assuring the child’s best interests are preserved. The court usually approves any agreement of the parties mutually agreed upon.

New Hampshire Child Support Guidelines

New Hampshire has standard child support guidelines that apply in almost every case, unless there are exceptional circumstances in play. These child support guidelines calculate both parties’ gross incomes and child-rearing expenses. Child support payments will usually continue until the child reaches the age of majority or graduates from high school, whichever occurs last.

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