Child custody and support in Oklahoma

Custody of the Children In Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, the court will not issue a final divorce order until at least 90 days after the divorce without a lawyer or within the court is filed, if there are minors involved. This requirement may be waived, if the parties attend and complete a parenting education program.

The Oklahoma court will approve decisions made by the parents regarding custody, as long as the child’s best interests are kept in mind. Joint legal custody is one option which ensures that both parents can be involved in the upbringing of the child and decision making regarding his or her welfare. Joint legal custody does not, however, ensure each parent has equal time with the child or children.

Oklahoma Child Support Guidelines

The standard state mandated child support guidelines in Oklahoma will apply in nearly every case within the state. This is true unless exceptional circumstances are in place. Both parents’ gross incomes and child-related expenses are considered when calculating child support obligations. Payments continue until the child reaches 18, and may extend until the child completes secondary education.

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