Child custody and support in Vermont

Custody of the Children In Vermont

The Vermont courts strive to serve the best interests of the children involved in any divorce while interfering as little as possible with the requests of the parents. As such, they recognize that in many cases, if both parents are involved in the children's upbringing, their childhood will be balanced. The courts usually recognize any agreement that parents come to, regarding issues of both legal and physical custody, but do not typically award joint responsibility if it comes down to a contested situation. Coming to an agreement, even if mediation is required, without involving the court is usually the best option.

Vermont Child Support Guidelines

The State of Vermont has strict child support guidelines that will be followed in nearly every divorce case, unless extenuating circumstances are present. Both parents’ incomes and child-related expenses will be considered when calculating the obligations. The child support will usually be paid until the child reaches age 18, and it can extend beyond, until the end of a child’s secondary education. Child support in Vermont is often paid through wage withholding.

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