
Divorce Residency Requirements To Get Divorce In California

To file your divorce in a California court, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months and in the county where you wish to file for at least three months. It is not necessary that both parties live in California. If one spouse lives outside the state, filing in the county where the petitioner lives, will only make sense. However, if both parties live in the state, you will have a choice of filing in the county where either party lives.

Fax Filing In California

Divorce without a lawyer is even easier in California than it is in any other state. In the state of California, you can file your divorce by faxing the documents to the courthouse. Take your documents, which are produced by, and fax them to the courthouse. Later, they will be returned after they are signed by the judge. When you finish answering the questions on the questionnaire at, specific fax filing instructions will be provided. No appearance in court will ever be necessary. Online divorce doesn't get any easier than this.

While divorce by fax is one easy way to take care of the uncontested divorce process, you may also mail the documents, or take them to the courthouse in person if this is preferable.

Divorce Mediation

Like in any other state, it is always easier to file an uncontested divorce. One way to take care of any issues of contention is by seeking mediation. This arbitration is a third party who can listen to any problems a couple may be having trouble resolving and help come up with a fair solution prior to filing divorce which allows for an uncontested filing.

Filing Fees

The court fees charged by the California state court are in addition to the cost of using Filing fees may vary from county to county. Utilizing is an easy, affordable, and fast way to file your divorce without an attorney. To determine the exact amount required to file, we provide an easy way to look up the filing fees for your area. This ensures that you have a clear picture of all expenses specific to your situation before moving forward.

Divorce Forms

The forms which are produced by are the same forms authorized by the California Judicial Council. All California courts are required to accept these judicial council forms. You can learn more about these divorce forms as you're filling out your questions in our simple online questionnaire.

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